Help your child be the healthiest they can be.


How to talk about marijuana

Struggling to talk to your kids about marijuana? We’ve got you! Learn what you need to know and how to say it.

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Brain Development

Understand the importance of the developing teen brain and how marijuana can harm it.
Hear the latest research on marijuana from NIDA in a user friendly, short video.


Don’t let the signs go unnoticed

Signs and symptoms of drug use include:
+ Changed relationships with family members or friends.
+ Loss of interest in extracurricular activities, hobbies or sports.
+ Has the “munchies” or loss of appetite.


Resources for you and your family

Isolation increased risk for mental health problems, accidental and intentional self harm from drugs. Don’t wait to get help.


Legal doesn’t always mean safe

Marijuana charges can result in:
+ Loss of federal financial aid for college.
+ Loss of a job or internship.
+ Loss of a drivers license.